Drowning in the Internet

I’ve flipped back and forth between here and Dharma Folk to encourage other writers to post more freely on the group site about topics other than social issues in the Buddhist community. But two important things happened: (1) the group told me to get over myself and reminded me that they weren’t posting as much as me because they had other priorities (not because of me), and (2) several individuals have since suggested I keep the Angry Asian over there, so now I have this Angry Asian Buddhist blogspot site, and I don’t know what to do with it.

Some ideas bubbled up late last night not long after I finally (gave in and) joined Twitter. I’ll keep this site for commentary on the Buddhist community, but I’ll try to keep it short. I was really surprised to see how many Buddhist Twitterers there are out there. I’m still learning my way. I’m sure that before long, I’ll be one of those annoying people who can’t spend half a heartbeat away from the internet. Hopefully I don’t go and drown in this sea of information!